presented by the
American Association of Small Business Leaders (AASBL)

Innovation = Education + Automation + Communication

Practical A.I. for Your Business

  • Leveraging GPT for Strategic Insights: GPT can analyze and synthesize vast market data to provide deep insights that inform strategic business decisions.
  • Operational Excellence and Innovation with GPT: GPT can streamline business processes and foster innovation by automating tasks and generating creative solutions.
  • Enhancing Engagement and Sustainability: GPT helps businesses craft compelling narratives and adopt sustainable practices that resonate with customers and stakeholders.

Join us to transform your business with A.I., making it smarter, faster, and more responsive to your evolving market needs. Our use cases can be implemented immediately in your business.

Practical Blockchain for Your Business

  • Decoding Blockchain: Grasp the foundational principles and the real-world utility of blockchain technology, moving past common misconceptions.
  • Bitcoin, Blockchain and Crypto: People hear it all the time, Blockchain, Crypto, Bitcoin: what are the differences and how does that affect my business. What is self-custody vs custodian wallets. Market cap insights and other tools.
  • Practical use of Wallets, Exchanges and Trading: Gain insights on how to download self-custody wallets or multi-coin wallets, how exchanges work and how to effectively buy and/sell Bitcoins or Altcoins (and link to your bank account).

Join us to empower your business with blockchain, making it more competitive, efficient, and stay ahead of the curve in market innovation. This includes information about Bitcoin and Alt Coins and what they represent as a financial instrument for your business.

SMART Infrastructure for Your Business

  • Do you know what’s in the Cloud: When cloud services were first announced, the ease of use and cost savings were used as bait. Two decades later there are many problems bubbling up, specially for small businesses. We’ll summarize.
  • Cloud services and escalating bills: Cost pressure is not just about ever-increasing rates and usage. There are multiple hidden costs that may not be immediately apparent. Let’s explore some of the hidden problems that can drive up your overhead.
  • Operating Systems, Office Files and Websites: Soon, even your Operating System (such as Windows 12) will be cloud-based. In addition to storing all your files, websites, and emails in the cloud, all your activities will be under the control of Big Tech. We'll explore alternatives in more detail.

Join us to upgrade your business infrastructure with smart, on-premises solutions, ensuring you own your data while staying efficient, secure, and responsive to market changes.

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